Monday, September 15, 2008

The Breast Cancer 3Day

Our "mammo camo" shirts and stylin' sweat bands at the opening ceremonies on Friday, Sept. 5, 2008.
Heather, Mike, Elise, Amber, and John getting ready to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge wearing our "In memory of Mom" shirts.
At the finish line!!! We did it!

Mike and I recently returned from participating in the Breast Cancer 3Day in San Francisco. It was amazing!! The scenery was breathtaking! We walked up and down the hills around the city and even walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. That was an experience. We camped at the Presidio, right at the base of the Bridge. It was exciting being there and watching the sun rise and set and the fog rolling in. Sunday morning it was so foggy we woke to the fog horns guiding the boats under the bridge. Our favorite part of the walk was going around Mill Valley and Sausolito. Simply beautiful towns!
My sister, Heather, my brother, John and his wife, Amber walked with us. It was so fun to be with them and share with each of them this amazing experience. I was so proud of each of them as they plugged along with sore, tired muscles and blisters on their feet. This was my 3rd time doing this, so I knew what to expect, but it was their first time. They were awesome! It was also neat to be with Mike and John because they received so much attention!! The majority of the walkers are women, so Mike and John received a lot of attention. I was proud to be with them. There were about 1800 walkers and a few hundred volunteer crew members. Over $6 million dollars were raised just from that walk!
Our team name was "Arlene's Army" after my mom who passed away last October from breast cancer. We had matching shirts that said "Arlene's Army" and "Mammo Camo" on the back and ones that had a picture of my mom on the front that said, "In memory of mom. Make every day a glad day." She always tried to have "glad days". We also had the sweetest sweat bands that said Arlene's Army on them. My daughter, Sammy has adopted those as her new favorite accessory!
Thank you to everyone who supported us so far. We couldn't have done it without you and hopefully, because of what we did, someday they will find a cure for breast cancer. There was a quote taped inside one of the porta-potties along the way. I guess they wanted to give us reading material! It summed up why we did what we did. It was from Ghandi. "You may think your actions are meaningless and won’t help, but that is no excuse, you must act." I don't know if what we did will do any good, but I had to try. I had to act. If you haven't contributed and would like to, go to Click on "donate now" and search under one of our names or our team name, "Arlene's Army". Or, if you live in the Boise area, we are hosting a golf tournament on Sept. 27th. We would love the support!


Kylee said...

Yay Elise! Welcome to blogging! You did awesome. And congrats on finishing the walk for the 3rd time. That is amazing! Love ya!

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

I love the pink camo! And I love the golden gate bridge...I was just there in July photographing it. What a good supportive husband to go and be one of the few men.

Walker-Party of 5 said...

Great Job on the walk, your mom is smiling down on you! Also, I'm glad you joined the blog scene so we can spy on you!

Camille said...

Mike & John look so good in those pink army shirts. I feel like they should wear those everyday! :)
I am so proud of all of you guys for doing that! What an amazing thing for Arlene to see. :)

tuckers311 said...

Dear Elise, this is the blogger police, update your blog! :)